Saturday, August 23, 2008

Fish Cancer Gene

On August 18th 2008 there was an announcement from Ohio University to the effect that female swordtails are attracted to male swordtails that have cancerous melanoma spots. These spots are dark and while the melanoma is deadly to males the females are attracted to them. (

Is God behind this state of affairs? Why would he want to preserve reproduction from fish with the melanoma gene turned on? What kind of a design is that?

It makes perfect sense in a uncaring, undirected universe but is puzzling in a universe ordered by a benevolent deity.

On the same day it was announced in the Chicago Tribune that many Americans believe that God could save a family member even if doctors say it is hopeless. Apparently, 20 per cent of medical personnel also believe this. (,0,1888394.story)

Why would the deity play random favorites? When the relative doesn't survive is that a result of god's failure to act?

Evidently, many Americans are capable of avoiding cognitive dissonance by maintaining blurry boundaries between reality and fantasy. There are none so blind as those who will not see.

While God intervenes in hopeless cases and restores full health to some it is to be noted that he always ignores amputees. Not worthy of a full recovery I guess. Prayers don't seem to work for them either.

Perfectly logical if he is not there.

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