Saturday, December 11, 2004

Same Sex Marriage

On December 9, 2004, the Supreme Court of Canada released its decision concerning same sex marriage. The court ruled that the Federal Government has the right to change the definition og marriage to be more inclusive because of the changing times that we live in.

Regardless of the reasons that the Supreme Court ruled in favor of same sex marriage Canadians can be proud that once again human rights have trumped archaic religious beliefs. Our government will now introduce legislation to change the definition of marriage to be more inclusive while protecting the rights of religious denominations to follow their beliefs and not be forced to perform gay or lesbian marriages.

Gay people can now stay within their chosen relligion and work from within to change attitudes that are not respectful of their lefestyle or they can switch to a denomination that can change with the times.

The superstitious ideas of our ancestors should not be an inviolable guide to human behaviour. Their God is not our God. The definition of God has been altered many times in the past to allow us to become more tolerant of human beings who fell into disrepute with the biblical deity. We no longer burn witches, stone women who become pregnant out of wedlock, permit slavery, or continue to see women as second class citizens. While there are are still bastions of repression within the relgious community, birth control is seen as a boon to humankind not a transgression against God's will. Many of us prefer to believe in a more humane God than that presented in the Bible.

And usually, people are way ahead of both the Bibilical God and their government when it comes to tolerance and compassion for the peaceful differences of others. Modern day humans are more humane than the Biblical God and prefer to believe in a God who reflects these values. We make God in our image. As we recognize human rights so does our God. As we act to rectify past injustices contemporary God approves.

To save God we must change Him.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Getting feet wet

This BLOG is maintained by JLS - Canadian, male.