Monday, October 26, 2009


Shiloh, the mermaid girl, died at age ten in October of 2009 of a rare congenital condition known as Sirenomelia. People with this affliction are born with fused legs, hence the mermaid label, and often die within days of birth due to complications from kidney and bladder development and function. Shiloh was an exception. If you were God would you intervene to fix this problem? Would you design your universe to avoid such cruel and unusual imperfections?
These things are easy to comprehend if we assume the universe had no direction and evolved to its present state without a purpose in mind. We can accept them readily as 'just the way things are' if no designing agent is conjured as a universal director.
Otherwise they would appear to be the expressions of a diabolical mind.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

If you were God...

why would you create a universe? What would be the point? What need of yours would it fulfil? Why do you need anything?
When will your purpose for the universe be achieved?
Assuming we get by the first question:
What would you put in it?
Would you include life?
How would that life develop? Full blown creation or by evolution?
Would you deliberately include poisons and other hazards to life?
If such hazards evolved would you leave them or intervene to nullify their nefarious effects?
What kind of god would you be? Good or evil?
Would you really want people to live by the laws of Leviticus?
Would you intervene via prayer fulfillment or miracle?
For whom and when?
And what would be the point to this universe?